North Caldwell Public Schools

Transportation provided by Sussex County Regional Cooperative

Subscription Busing

New Application

Your Contact Information

Parent/Guardian Name
Email Address
Phone Number

Student Information

Please be sure to enter the student information for the 24-25 school year!

Child's Name
Date of Birth
Grade Level
Attending School
Home Phone Number
Home Address


Select a bus stop
Click a button below to choose a bus stop. You must enter a home address in order to select a bus stop.

Parent/Guardian 1
Parent/Guardian 2
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Emergency Contact 1
Emergency Contact 2
Contact Name
Contact Relationship
Contact Phone & Type
Use this space to note anything else you would like us to know about your application.


Payment for subscription busing is required!
The total balance due of your subscription busing registration is $775.00

Total Charge
Credit Card Details
